
I was born in the year of Sgt. Pepper – and by the age of 30 a snobistic collector of rare Jazz records when IT hit me. I think it was the first record of Deicide that i heard somewhere. This for me (until then) unheard music had so much of what i never could have envisioned – in a sense it was not soo far away from jazz! Supercomplex rhythm structures, the special art of growling, the roughness, the power. And the fascination for the cover art and the imagery of the texts are also something that hasn't left me since.

So i didn't get the absolute beginnings or the first peak of fame for the already legendary DM-Bands then, but since 1997/98 i am with Death Metal. Sure there were times, when it became stale and generic, but almost at the same time there were always heavy life signs that announced another direction or a complex variation of something that was explored before.

Nowadays you can choose OSDM (Old School Death Metal) but also revel in new shiny and brutal sound worlds of bands like Cattle Decapitation, but you could also explore the techy side with TechDeath or (in the most extreme) Djent. You could go into the world of underground Death Metal with one of the dedicated channels on YT and be astonished how much Death Metal is played everywhere, in every corner of the world. Or you could loose yourself in the newer generation of DM-Bands which at the moment add a hefty dose of Prog to their Death Metal.

The possibilities are sheer endless – and as a nerd i am very happy to dedicate my skills to help Death Metal show much more of it's fascinating varieties. Because this is what the underground always needs – new beacons that operate without financial interests, just because of the deep love to this fascinating genre.

Yours, Doc Nachtstrom (The Real Electric Stoner)